Revamped curriculum vitae

I revampled my curriculum vitae as I am starting my hunt for next postdoc. You can find it under about. I am interested in carrying out my research on probabilistic programming and its applications to evolutionary biology.

Universal probabilistic programming offers a powerful approach to statistical phylogenetics

In this article, published at Communications Biology, we argue that a type of powerful programming languages, called universal probabilistic programming languages, can be used to solve previously intractable problems in statistical phylogenetics. Examples of such languages are WebPPL and Birch. All of our source code and results can be found in the probabilistic programming repo […]

Прилепите – ужас и разум

Пиша на живо по време на премиерата на филма “Прилепите: ужас и разум“, който излезе в интернет. В него участва Антония Хубанчева, моята съпруга. След филма се заформи дискусия на тема митология, наука, критичен анализ. Няколко обобщения от филма и дискусията: прилепите не са отговорни за Sars-CoV-2, а по-скоро разрушването на место-обитанията на дивите животни […]

The scientific discoveries of 2020

As 2020 drew to an end I was invited again by FameLab and friends from Bulgaria to give my biased opinion about what is the most important scientific discovery in said cursed year. I did this together with several other FameLab finalists and the whole thing even aired on national TV, in the evening news […]